Priests’ Education Fund
Moshi priests
Most of the people of Moshi Diocese have the mentality that a priest is everything. That means, once someone is a priest, he can solve whichever kind of problem even those which are out of his field. That is why a secular knowledge on various subjects is needed for priests so as to help such kind of people.
Rt. Rev. Ludovick Joseph Minde, ALCP/OSS, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Moshi, is praying and planning to send four priests to Rome for further studies. When they complete their studies, they will be of greater help and support in the Diocese of Moshi as well as to the Church in Tanzania. The proposal is:
- One priest will study Spiritual Theology and Formation with a goal of teaching courses in the Major Seminary;
- A second priest will study Philosophy with the goal of being a Formator and Lecturer in the Seminaries (Philosophicum) of the Bishops of Tanzania;
- The third priest will go for at least two years of further studies to specialize in Pastoral Clinical Counseling. He will then serve in the hospitals as Chaplain and also in the parishes. Many faithful are so much in need of Spiritual Counseling;
- A fourth priest will go for further studies in Education to earn a Bachelor degree with the goal of serving in the Diocesan Secondary Schools as the Headmaster.
Pontifical Gregorian University – Rome, Italy
One priest will study Dogmatic Theology for two years.
The classes are approximately $3,300 USD per year;
room and board is approximately $11,000 USD per year.
Can you help?
Please donate toward the
Priests’ Education Fund.
Pontifical Urban (Urbaniana) University – Rome, Italy
One priest will study Philosophy for two years.
The classes are approximately $1,100 USD per year;
room and board is approximately $11,000 USD per year.
Can you help?
Please donate toward the
Priests’ Education Fund.

Pontificio Sant'Anselmo – Rome, Italy
One priest will study Sacred Liturgy for two years.
The classes are approximately $2,700 USD per year;
room and board is approximately $11,000 USD per year.
Can you help?
Please donate toward the
Priests’ Education Fund.
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