Sponsor a Moshi Diocese Seminarian
These young men are holy, humble and determined to achieve their dream of ordination to the priesthood. The journey toward the priesthood is long and difficult, requiring many years of training. Your support during the educational journey of one boy to priesthood is powerful and important. To learn more about the Moshi-diocese Seminarians, and how to sponsor a seminarian, visit the Moshi Diocese website.
Sponsor a Moshi Diocese Seminarian
- Powerful prayers for your intentions!
- A relationship with your new “son”
- A free monthly e-zine brings you news about seminary life; the seminarians contribute the magazine articles
- An annual “trading card” with your “son’s” picture and biographical information
Sign up for Our Monthly e-zine
The Moshi Seminarian
The e-magazine is published quarterly. The main authors of the e-zine are the seminarians. Learn about seminary life, their vocations, their families, and even get some spiritual guidance from our future priests.
Your Contribution
Contribution Amounts
- Senior seminarians: $1000 per year
- Junior seminarians: $1000 per year
Time Commitment
Sponsorships are annual and ongoing, however they can be shared with others. If you’re interested in supporting a seminarian and cannot afford the annual sponsorship, please contact us, or donate through our donation form.
Junior Seminarian Sponsorships
Junior seminarian sponsorship includes: registration fee for their national exams -for Form two, Form four, and Form Six; the fees for the regional exams, contribution for academic tour which is required by the ministry. This amount covers everything student needs to stay in school.
Additional Contributions
- You pray for your “son” in the seminary in Moshi
- E-mail to keep in contact.
Letter of
Gratitude to Seminarian Sponsors from Vocation Director
How to Complete a Sponsorship
Select a Seminarian
Choose a seminarian to sponsor. Once you are ready to sponsor that seminarian, click “Sponsor Now” and complete the checkout process. Payments can be made by PayPal, Check, Interbank Transfer (Tanzania only) or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). Monthly, annually, quarterly – at your convenience.
Provide Ongoing Support
Once you’ve chosen to sponsor a seminarian, you’ll recieve follow-up information, including an email to keep in contact. Your correspondence and ongoing prayers for your “son” in the seminary in Moshi are a vital part of your contribution.
Seminarians Currently Awaiting Sponsors
Click on the picture to see more information about each seminarian
2nd Year Theology
1st Year Theology
3rd Year Philosophy
2nd Year Philosophy
1st Year Philosophy
Frt. Philiponery Priscus Philip
Frt. Allen Hapymark Mwase
Frt. Arnold John Mamiro
Frt. Dismas Prosper Temba
Frt. Emanuel Emilian Asenga
Frt. Ewald Raphael Mushi
Frt. Ezekiel Modesti Bahati
Frt. Francis Ulirick Kessy
Frt. Gilbati Hubert Kitaly
Frt. Innocent Baltazar Mtui
Frt. Joshua Emily Temu
Frt. Kelvin Joseph Munishi
Frt. Patrick John Mark
Frt. Pauli Mathias Kitali
Frt. Robath Faustini Kimaro
Frt. Venance Edes Paul
Frt. Yuvenali Eligi Assenga
“He said to them, ‘Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.’”
Matthew 4:19
Donate Today
Help us bring provide for the seminarian mission in Tanzania through donations and sponsorships.